
The message giver is greater than the messenger!

God is the message owner; prophets and pastors are messengers. It’s happens on no account when the messenger becomes greater than the message owner! 

Yesterday I was privileged to receive an inspiration under the ministry of beloved Mr. Justice Tsar Adegbe who preached about the Benefits of the Kingdom of Christ. In his message, the spirit-filled vessel taught that the canals through which the power of God flows through us are enormous; God being the main “power source”, Jesus being the “transformer” to relay the power into us through the “cables and wires” of the Holy Spirit! Impressive!

It is an undeniable fact that Prophets, Pastors and other workers in the vineyard of God are just “multi-sockets and extension cords” that God uses to send messages to us from him as the main “generator”!

Sadly, I observe that human and church cultures have relegated this impression to the background. Majority of Christians believe the “messenger” than the “message owner”; they regard the “multi-sockets” than the “transformer” and on a sad note, they elevate the “extension cords” above the “high tension cables”. This gives them an unkempt audacity to believe everything “human beings” called prophets say without even acknowledging the fact that there is a greater power source behind the scenes! So sad, so pitiful!

The pure and undiluted belief is the belief in Christ Jesus, as the “transformer” of our lives. Without him, God’s the flames of God’s wrath would have consumed us. “You don’t receive electricity into your house directly from the main source, else you burn the house. The high currents must pass through a transformer”, the preacher illustrated! Without Christ, no life has hope… Christ is our High Priest, said the Bible!

Let’s us avoid these “human worships”, confining our source of hope in prophets, kings, presidents, lawyers, etc. God deserves the greatest honour!

Remember the message owner!

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
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Aspire to become an achiever. 

“…..Young man, young woman…. Great Presidents, professors, Doctors, Preachers, Chancellors, Nurses, Teachers, Pilots and others we see or hear of today were once like you. You can also be like them, and why not? When you set a standard for yourself, make use of opportunities available to you to optimize that your God-given talents to reach that standard. 

Dream about your future and stay committed to your dreams. Take your lessons with seriousness and you will never regret each and every single effort you have taken. Flow with the brave, courageous, determined and passion people. Never be lazy in what you do!

You will be who God said you should be. Take Care”!

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
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Don’t joke with your talents!

It has become a common thing for many young talented Africans to channel their God-given talents into useless products that fail to thrive over time.

I listened to a very sweet musical compilation last year and was very impressed by the effects of the music… it was a nice, sweet and impressive song but compiled with a wrong intention! ….guess the word content; it reads… “Eco Ecomini… Eco Ecomini… Ecomini Ecomini Ecomini Ecomini. madam Speaker Ecomini”. Such a song was compiled with the intention of mocking a president who went “breaking the lingual pot”. Inasmuch as that seemed to be a comedy to some, I agree no one is immune to “a slip of tongue”; and presidents are no exceptions. But my concern is that the time, the electrical energy, the thoughts and the investments made into compiling a sweet song to ridicule somebody can be chanelled into compiling a sweet gospel music that ridicules satan the enemy of humanity! Most people complain about “dumso dumso” but when the electrical energy comes, they tend to misuse it! 

Great designers go to draw ridiculous images on posters to disfigure and mock others? What do they earn after all? Smiles? Laughter? And that’s all? No! We have to go global, and in doing this, our dreams must not target mocking someone into disgrace but giving hope and life to the entire globe! Africans have great dreams; Africa is a fertile dreamland… The problem we have is “optimization” of those dreams.

Never abuse your dreams. Never waste your “carbohydrate” energy doing what brings no hope and life to people!

Go, shape Africa!

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
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Let “pride” go alone!

Scripture said that “pride goes before fall”. Just let pride go alone. Don’t go in its company, else fall pursues both of you!

The most secretive news that can make you to shake hands with great people is humility. Pride on the other way is a dream killer. Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you high. People who are gentle, humble and able always have a great ending no matter how small and where obscured they have started!

Be humble and set the balls of your dreams rolling till God himself decides what next! As for “pride”, allow it to go as a lone ranger!

Great day!

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
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Create a legacy!

Legacies are made for the sake of the comfort of living and unborn generations. The impact you make on earth will speak #joy #peace and great #influence in the lives of people you may or may not meet. 

I love Warren Buffett for saying; “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Take time to bake a cake; someone is hungry out there!

Think global; Think big! Think of planting a seed; Think of making a shade. If what you enjoy now appeals to you, thank God for the life of those who made it happen. However, the good news is that “you too can make it happen”!

Go, do it now!

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
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Give thanks….

They may call you “Stupid” because of what you’ve done in the past. Hey, you are going to be Prominent because of what the Lord has done. The stupid “S” in Saul was exchange to become the prominent “P” in Paul… and you ask why? It’s because of what the Lord has done, Give thanks!

When we are faced with circumstances, He gives us the Power to endure! When we are faced with loss, He grants us the Poise to hold on. When we come across failure, He installs back in us the Potential to rise up again. When we meet death, He gave us the Pleasure to be carried up into the Lovely coasts of eternity!

It’s a Privilege to be a child of God. It’s only those who have tasted it that can testify it. I am glad to be among… I believe that I no longer the live in the rented hut of Saul; I own an edifice of Paul! Yes! Because of what the Lord has done! I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus. 

Jesus Only!

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
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Think and make a brighter future!

“Twenty five years from today, ask yourself “where will I be? Think about it. When you create a future of hope, you will identify responsibilities needed to make it happen.

You have it in your God-given power, the willingness to make the years ahead of you to become a brighter one. Avoid things that will not make you a success in the nearby future!

Exercise things that enhance your academic knowledge so that you can fly with shining wings. Know that it is your responsibility to create what you want; if you want it better, you got to strike better. Stay blessed!

~Gilbert Mensah 
(Pacesetter of Impact Web) 

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
It’s recommended for you! Click here to purchase your copy on Amazon;
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Go with Reformation when Transformation fails!

Perhaps you have made a too much transformation noise all over and tried working it out to no avail… It’s not too late to give up! You have to take time to remember that; “sometimes, transformation is not a necessity; reformation must be the priority!

I love how Warren Buffet illustrated it… “Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks”. This simply tells that when you fail, it may not be the fault of your passion or actions but perhaps your plans. What is necessary is that you have to go back and do something about the plans you made; 

>> assess the state of your plans, and be convinced they can cause a breakthrough!
>> add what is missing and remove what is necessary in there after close watch-over!
>> build a brand new set of well oriented plans from the pre-existing one with their respecting actions!

Don’t be stiff-necked on a plan that always fails you; a slight tune of it may make the impact you long to foster. When your goals cannot transform, get them deformed; Go ahead and reform them with feasible actions. You will rise when you conform to them; go and perform!

It’s not late; don’t give up! Dare and try again; make reformation your utmost priority and you will arrive successfully!

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
It’s recommended for you! Click here to purchase your copy on Amazon;
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An attitude of respect

I believe you would have loved to be respected by your younger brother or sister at home if you have any. Every normal human being loves to be respected, but the deal behind the whole show is that “you can’t reap what you don’t sow”. A beautiful lady or girl is the one who proves she is obedient to teachers, parents, seniors at schools and everyone she meets anywhere and at any time!

You need no reason to respect. The poor status of the old grandmother in the village is not a recipe to discount your respect for her! Everyone you meet deserves the respect you have. This is how Albert Einstein put it;

“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university”

Have you ever taken advantage of your pretty developed body to look merely upon someone else? What of your education? Does it make you feel you are better off than your friends that could make it there? Calm down my sister. For the sake of harmony, everyone deserves respect. “AN ATTITUDE OF RESPECT” IS GOLD IN YOU!

~ Excerpts from Page 16 of Gold In You (Golden Lessons for Girls & Single Ladies) byAbigail Nash

-Israelmore Ayivor
Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
It’s recommended for you! Click here to purchase your copy on Amazon;
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Character and Attitude will always take the lead!

According Dr. Myles Munroe, “Leadership is 20% talent, skills, and technical knowledge and 80% attitude”. I find this to be very helpful for all potential leaders of this century irrespective of their fields of interests that “your character and attitude is what takes the lead in your leadership role and you follow them as a true leader”. Poor character and attitude is eventually poor leadership!

One of the most common areas where we fail is when we begin to think that genetic make up of a person determines how far he can lead”. Unfortunately, most followers do not know that they can also become leaders because to them, leadership is confined to an “assumed” category of people who have authority or social prestige as their background pillows.

Wait and get this;
We have church leaders preaching about marriage and they themselves are getting divorced; lack of character!
We have choir masters composing songs about morality, but they themselves are defiling the young girls in the choirs; lack of character!
We have young men and women being humble and co-operative in relationship, but getting bitter over petty issues just after marriage; lack of good attitude!
We have skillful people, talented and equipped to do something; but it’s not done and done well because they go to work lately; lack of good attitude!
We have teachers who teach very wisely, monitor studies and give all the bests that their students could need; but they demand sexual affairs from ladies to give them higher marks in their examinations! So do we call these people true leaders just because their bank accounts are fat? Do we refer to them as true leaders because they have grey hairs and perhaps they were born in the chief’s palace? Leadership is built in pure virtues; not voice!

All these are factors that should keep reminding us that “leadership is not bound to occupation of positions”, but leading people by taking the lead, You can take the lead with a bad reputation; Good character and good attitudes lead you as you lead people!

Be a true leader!

Shaping the dream by Israelmore Ayivor
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
It’s recommended for you! Click here to purchase your copy on Amazon;