
The treasure in your room!

Look around your room. The treasure you have in your room is neither your TV, Laptop, Refrigerator, Bed nor Cooking Utensils. The treasure in your room is you!


Who is in you, is greater than who is in the world and that makes you a depot of mighty treasures!

When circumstances make you to lose your house, cars and other things, turned and say to those circumstances; “you better stop rejoicing over my fall; Once I still get me, you are still in trouble because am coming back fully”!

You are an epitome of greatness just because someone inside of you is working on the outside! Respect yourself, obey yourself and appreciate yourself because you are wonderfully and fearfully made! I love you!

Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Live everyday like your Birthday

Let your life count so well; spend every day like your birthday!


Birthday is a day for refreshment sake.
It is a day of taste for the sweetest cake.
Bake every day like your birthday!

It is a day for plans to make a difference.
And ever greatest resolution for excellence.
Make every day like your birthday!

It is a day you give everyone a cheer.
And they turn back and call you “dear”.
Take every day like your birthday!

When you go, giving thanks to God.
And don’t want it spoilt by any odd.
Bake every day like your birthday!

When you wish the hour should double.
Because your mind is free from trouble.
Make every day like your birthday!

When all you did, you may never forget
As the day was never lived with regret
Take every day like your birthday!

Happy birthday to you!
Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Things that must be changed

Things that are worth changing are things that are O.P.D;


O- Outmoded: You cannot think you will still employ 16th century method of marketing and advertising your products and still be excellent. That may work only in your night dreams. The world is changing in advancements and you need to catch up with where it reached so far.

P- Profitless: Methods that bring no peace into your life, no love into your family, no unity into your church and no harmony into your country are absolutely out of place. Simply, they carry no gains on their hands. You better create a way of exit for them to excuse you or you excuse them before pave their ways to reach you.

D- Dangerous: When a lady falls in love with a “mango” headed man who is criminally minded, lackadaisically oriented and successfully unproductive, who always threatens her life, but she insists she is still in love with him, she obviously engaged in a harmful business.

Don’t forget, not every movement is “forward”, not every change is “progress”, not every score is a “win” and not every destination is a “destiny”. Let your change bring into the world a change!

Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


There is a distillery in you!

How you brew your life, is how it will taste on your tongue. Everyone was born on earth with a seed of greatness. No one is “seedless”. What someone might be is “fruitless”. But the fruitlessness of a man doesn’t mean the seed are not in him. You owe it to yourself to plant the seeds in you and get the fruits expected!


You got to employ yourself into the distillery of wisdom with which you will brew your life with the best flavours you ever dream of. God is waiting to taste the sweetness of that well distilled life. I love you!

Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


From the heart of God!

My, Child you may not know me, but I know everything about you! (Psalm 139v1). I know when you sit down and when you rise up! (Psalm 139v2)


Even the very hairs on your head are numbered! (Mat 10v30). For you were made in my image! (Gen 1v27). I knew you in your mother’s womb (Jer 1v4-5). I chose you and I planned your creation! (Eph 1v11-12)

You are not a mistake for all your day are written in my book (Ps 139v15-16). I love you simply because you are my child and I am your father! (1 John 3v1)

My question is “Will you be my truly child”? (John 1v12) I am waiting for you (Luke 15v11-24)!

Your Daddy, Jehovah!

* Singing… “Lord, I give you my heart… I give you my Soul… I live for you alone…” ! Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Vote for Wisdom!

You may vote alone, but I assure you that your vote will never be lost if you thumb it for Wisdom!


Wisdom is a principal thing. It will stabilize your economy, provide you with every infrastructure you need and enhance your peace and self-integration with a better joy agenda.

When “Understanding” holds bilateral talks with “Wisdom” behind closed door, they discuss “directions, discretion and discernment”.

Vote wisely! Get Wisdom, and in all your getting, get Understanding. I love you!

Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Try till the last key!

Have you ever held a bunch of keys in your hand with the intention of opening a door? Perhaps, you tried the first key and it couldn’t open it;


… You tried the 2nd and 3rd keys and they could not open the door as well. What do you do? Are there not more keys? Keep trying them till the last key. Don’t give up! The last key on the bunch may be the one to open your door!

Sometimes, you may give up at the time that you are about to crown your success. Imagine if the 9th key should be the door opener and you give up on the 8th! That is a wasted effort. Never give up!

Try again and again. Don’t give up! I love you!

Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here




Imagine you are at the funeral ground of a loved one,
As you walk inside the building, last respect to be done.

You feel the sympathy of losing a very dear person,
And you start to think, memories teaching you a lesson.

As you walk into the mourning room, to see the body finally,
But you came face to face with yourself on the bed suddenly.

Imagine it is your funeral, 70 years or more on earth,
With loved ones expressing feelings at your untimely death.

Imagine you took a seat, waiting for the ceremony to commence,
And you pick and read the outline, five tributes are to dispense.

One speaker from your family and one from your congregation,
The other from your friend and another from your occupation.

The final speaker to be your spouse (spouses) you left in trouble,
Now think, think, think deeply very about this period in double.

What will your friends read about you?
What will your church tell about you?
Who will your boss at work say you were?
What about your wife (husband) and children?

Now what will you rather like to be said about you?
Yes! You can make that real tribute by the life you live today!

Let your life count in the life of someone else!
Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here