
Little is enough… if God is in it!

God hides great things in little things. In every young girl, God hides a great woman; in a every young boy, He hides a great man; in a small seed, He hides a big forest! A little is never inadequate if God’s hands are its creator! Don’t despise little things!

The creator created creations and had never undermined his creative hands; He does everything according to the principles of His words. In his words, it is stated; “HE WHO WANTS TO BE GREAT MUST LAY HIMSELF LOW”. It means humility is never a weakness; making yourself “low” in situations that demand your humble attitude is never a proof that you are “inadequate” in wisdom and power!

Never look down on someone because God himself does not do so. No matter what defines the status, nationality or gender of a person, once God’s spirit is in him/her, he or she becomes a complete creature with complete potentials! Yea, she may not have invented an airplane, but if God’s hands are in the tiny hair she trimmed, “it is enough for God”. He may not have bought for you a boutique of flowers, but if God’s hands are grafted to the little petals he hands over to you, “it is enough”!

Sometimes, we wait on God for special things to happen extraordinarily in our lives before we understand that “God is working”. Meanwhile, there are “super-special” things that fill our life barrels in minute drops, but they go unappreciated!. Compare and contrast; “a house with excess riches, added to chaos” and “a house with enough for the day, branded with peace”. No wonder the scripture is right to say, “Better is a dry morsel, and quietness, than a house full of feasting with strife” (Proverbs 17:1).

Appreciate the little talents, dreams, money, goals, and properties you have; in them are hidden the mysteries of all time! Never look down on the little steps that someone may start taking today. It is enough if God’s word is in it, and “enough is enough”!

–Israelmore Ayivor

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Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor


From the heart of God!

My, Child you may not know me, but I know everything about you! (Psalm 139v1). I know when you sit down and when you rise up! (Psalm 139v2)


Even the very hairs on your head are numbered! (Mat 10v30). For you were made in my image! (Gen 1v27). I knew you in your mother’s womb (Jer 1v4-5). I chose you and I planned your creation! (Eph 1v11-12)

You are not a mistake for all your day are written in my book (Ps 139v15-16). I love you simply because you are my child and I am your father! (1 John 3v1)

My question is “Will you be my truly child”? (John 1v12) I am waiting for you (Luke 15v11-24)!

Your Daddy, Jehovah!

* Singing… “Lord, I give you my heart… I give you my Soul… I live for you alone…” ! Live life so well!

Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here